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Data Science Consulting

Our services help you extract maximal value from your data.


Data science is often touted as being an art, but in reality it’s experience that counts.


By choosing DataLabTech, AI as your trusted data science partner, you can be sure that you are leveraging one of the most highly experienced agencies in the world. Our vast experience helps businesses like yours discover value from their data.


Our data science consultants deliver incredible value by evaluating and recommending strategic business decisions to further your organizational ambitions


Business Context

Any problem demands context from the business. A solution for one industry may not be applicable to another, nor is every business the same. Establishing shared context helps get the project off to the right start.


Problem Definition

A key phase where business problems are defined and prioritized. It is worth spending time to get this right, as subsequent effort could be ineffective and wasted.


Data Analysis

Any data science consulting involves a limited amount of actual data science. In this phase expert data analysts extract knowledge from the data. This often leverages actionable insight.


Ethical/Legal/Safety Analysis

Any work that arises from the consulting should be de-risked in terms of ethical concerns, legal ramifications, or safety risks. This step depends on the industry, the domain, and the context of the problem.


Stakeholder Inclusion

More than just identification, we find projects are optimal when key stakeholders are including in the project. With “skin in the game”, stakeholders are far more likely to collaborate to produce a better overall solution.


Domain Knowledge Transfer

Businesses are often experts in their own domain. This domain expertise is valuable to help direct future solutions.



Research and Validation

Following analysis, some time is often spent validating results or confirming value.



Strategic Solution

A solution is presented back to key stakeholders. In many projects we then move into an implementation phase. Other times we step back and perform another iteration to find a better problem and improve your data strategy.

Data Science Consulting Expertise

Özet satırları


Our Data Science Consultants analyse mass datasets using statistical analysis and data visualisation techniques to assess the quality of the data, and to interpret and extract meaning out of data relevant to your business outcomes.

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Data is the key to growth in today's digital first economy. But processing and analysing masses of data and decades of unstructured datasets, finding patterns in data and extracting meaning that enables AI to get to work is very complex and time consuming. ​


At DataLabTech, our Data Science Consultants become an extension of your team and will conduct advanced Data Analytics and Machine Learning methodologies to solve your critical business data challenges.

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